How to Install Global Site Tag Support (gtag.js) in WordPress Easily?

If you’re someone who relies a lot on Google Analytics and traffic details, then you should know about Google’s new tracking code system.

Google’s new tracking code system is gtag.js, and I’m going to make you know an easy way to install Global Site Tag Support(gtag.js) in WordPress easily.

Do note that I’m an affiliate partner of MonsterInsights, and I’ll be paid a small commission if you purchase MonsterInsights using my affiliate link.

The best way to install Global Site Tag Support is to install MonsterInsights.

One of the benefits of using MonsterInsights is that you can easily switch to the new tracking script easily.

How to Switch to Global Site Tag Tracking Script?

Technology is changing day by day, and the latest change is the new tracking code snippet by Google.

You need to use the new tracking code if you want to make full use of marketing tools provided by Google.

All the new users who will install MonsterInsights will find that Global Site Tag (gtag.js) is the default tracking code.

New users don’t need to change any settings or follow any steps for switching to the latest tracking code as it is the default code used by the new MonsterInsights.

No one thought that the tech team of MonsterInsights would be so fast, but they have definitely shocked and surprised everyone by making gtag.js the default tracking code without making its users wait a long time.

For the existing users of MonsterInsights, there is a single button provided in the MonsterInsights dashboard for switching to Global Site Tag from the old tracking system.

Why MonsterInsights Believes in Using the Latest Technology?

MonsterInsights is liked by its users more than the other Google Analytics plugins and tools as it comes with new features regularly.

As MonsterInsights prefers to provide the latest features to its users, and hence, MonsterInsights believes in making use of the latest technology.

By using the latest technology as the default technology, MonsterInsights tries its best to keep things simple for its users.

Not only gtag.js, but MonsterInsights is going to make use of each and every new tracking technology to make sure that its users are able to track their website visitors in the best way.

Why gtag.js is Important?

Global site tag is a very popular JavaScript tagging framework that is going to be used by Google Analytics and other Google tools.

You won’t be able to send event data to these tools in the best way if you don’t make use of this tagging framework.

Most of the Analytics plugins that prefer to use the latest technology will definitely switch to this framework if they want their users to be happy.

Install Google Site Tag Tracking Code gtag.js easily

The new tracking code gtag.js will make tracking more perfect, and MonsterInsights had made the usage of the new tracking code easier.

Install MonsterInsights now to make use of Global Site Tag Support. Do share your opinion and review of this latest addition by MonsterInsights.

MonsterInsights is one of the best options for tracking traffic, and the new support code gtag.js is going to make it much better. If you’re not using MonsterInsights currently, then you’re missing out on one of the best traffic tracking tools working on the latest technology.

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