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How to Utilize Lead Source Tracking Feature in Google Analytics?

A crucial reason to track the source of the leads to your site pages or your email marketing campaigns with Google Analytics is to increase the number of leads.

MonsterInsights is one of the best WordPress plugins to track lead sources in Google Analytics.

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Tracking the traffic source to the main pages of your site may make you understand what sort of content is in demand and how you can bring maximum traffic to the different types of blog posts on your blog.

One of the main benefits of the lead source tracking feature is for email marketers.

By tracking the leads to different email marketing campaigns, website owners and bloggers can get more email subscribers.

Not only email marketing campaigns, but the leads to your product pages and other crucial pages can also be tracked using the lead tracking feature.

The lead source tracking feature is going to bring a huge change for email marketers. It may definitely boost the email marketing campaigns and bring the best leads.

I’ll let you know the benefits of lead source tracking and using MonsterInsights for utilizing the lead source tracking feature in the best way.

Benefits of Lead Source Tracking

Here are some of the best benefits of using the lead source tracking feature.

Using MonsterInsights for Lead Source Tracking Feature

You should purchase the MonsterInsights plugin to track different types of leads in the best way.

The most important lead tracking feature is tracking the downloads of your site.

The downloads tracking feature is inbuilt in MonsterInsights and that’s why there is no need to waste time changing the settings when it comes to utilizing MonsterInsights for lead source tracking.

Another best form of lead source tracking is tracking the form submission. MonsterInsights provides you the option to use its Forms addon or the WPForms plugin to track the leads to various forms using MonsterInsights.

You can utilize the form tracking feature in the best way on pre-sale query forms and increase your site sales easily.

MonsterInsights will also help you in tracking the traffic to your important pages, and this will help you to know how to use the important pages to capture the maximum leads.

Knowing how the top pages of your site can be utilized to get more leads, you’ll definitely be able to get the maximum leads and more profits.

Conclusion – Lead Source Tracking Can Boost Your Profits

Lead source tracking is definitely a beneficial feature for WordPress bloggers, and MonsterInsights makes the utilization of this tracking feature easier for bloggers.

Many bloggers and eCommerce site owners have tracked leads and also the lead quality to increase their profits.

You shouldn’t waste this opportunity to use MonsterInsights so that you can track the lead source in the best way.

Do let me know your opinion about using MonsterInsights for lead source tracking, and the other lead source tracking plugins that you like to use for maximizing your earnings.

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